Happy Father's Day 2015 Messages from Wife to Husband

Happy Father's Day 2015 Messages from Wife to Husband : Happy Fathers Day Messages from Wife to Husband, Happy Fathers Day 2015 Messages from Wife to Husband, Happy Father's Day Messages from Wifi to Habi, Happy Fathers Day Messages from Wife to Husband are Here.

Our love as a father shows through in your every interaction with our children. I've watched you and I can see that you love those children more than you could ever show them. You're a fabulous father and I love you for being you! Happy Father's Day To My Amazing Husband!

“Let this Father’s Day can be very special to you, every day you make a great effort to bring up our family, I am happy to be your wife and the mother of your children. Congratulations, my life.”

You're so much more than just a "husband". You're a partner in my life that I value more than you know. You're the father of my children whom I've watched love them so. You're everything I hoped for to help in raising a family. You're my husband, my friend, the love that I'll always need. Happy Father's Day!

“Girls always expect you excited for you to get back from work because they know you will give them so much love and play with them. You are a great father and a very tender husband. Have a great day, my love.”

You make me happy! You make our children happy. You're a great father, a great husband, and a great man. We all love you, dearly! Happy Father's Day!

“You are the hero of our children; they feel loved because they know that their father loves them. On this important day I want to tell you to have a happy Father’s Day. We wish you well.”

You give our children someone to admire, respect, and honor. You are a fantastic father! Happy Father's Day TO My Faithful Husband!

“The effort you do every day for our family worth a lot, although you get tired always get to play with our children, truly you are my greatest treasure. Congratulations on this Father’s Day.”

You are so full of compassion, love, and strength. When we need a strong hand of support in our family, you are always there. I love you for being who you are and for all that you do. Happy Father's Day To A Wonderful Husband!

“The great love that I have for you is getting stronger, our angels are very happy because they have a father who loves them. Happy Father’s Day.”

You always say that there's a tool for everything. You're right. The stud-finder worked miracles when it came to getting the perfect hubby! Happy Father's Day!

“In those moments when I see you happy playing with our children I think about how lucky I am to have tired you and the angels that God sent to our home. You’re a great dad, the kids and I love you very much. Congratulations.”

What in the world could I change about a man that loves his family, works hard, and treats his wife with love and respect? Absolutely Nothing!! Happy Father's Day, Mr. Wonderful!

Last Father’s Day, our baby daughter was only three months old, and I found myself reflecting on the father/daughter relationship that I have with my dad.  This year, with 15 months of being a father-of-two under your belt, I’ve noticed some amazing things about your relationship with our children from my vantage point:

We're a family and we're totally cool! Happy Father's Day!

You are their hero.  They watch everything that you do, learn from everything that you do, and want to do everything that you do.  You are, and will continue to be, a big player in their self-esteem.  You’re teaching them to be confident, self-assured, and proud.

We have so much to be happy about...I love our life, our family, and all that we have done...together! Happy Father's Day!

Little girls are just as capable as little boys, and little boys are just as capable as little girls.  You are teaching our daughter to have strength, and our son to have sensitivity.  You are ignoring gender roles and raising our kids as people.  You’re teaching them equality.

We are a powerful duo. Together we have fun. We have become awesome parents and I'm so grateful that you're my love! Happy Father's Day To My Husband!

The kindness you show to other people rubs off on them.  They see you help others and give generously.  You’re teaching them compassion and respect, manners and appreciation.

Two things you should never forget...That Father's Day is about you and that I totally love you, even more than I did before! Happy Father's Day!

Your humour is a staple in our lives; how quiet our house would be without laughter!  They expect tickles with your hugs and whiskers with your kisses.  You’re teaching them to smile, to find joy, and to feel happiness.

There's another side of you that only shows when you are with our children. It's a side that I never realized I would be so happy to see. You have a way of being all that they need and showing love to each one in your own way. Happy Father's Day To My Husband!

The father/daughter relationship and father/son relationship are both unique.  One is not better or worse, more or less, stronger or weaker than the other.  But they are different.  You are providing both of them with what they need.  You’re teaching them to love and to be loved.

The place that you hold in my mind is as big as the place that you hold in my heart! I love you! Happy Father's Day

Some people never know what it's like to have a husband that's also a friend. I do and I'm so grateful for that! Happy Father's Day

Our hearts are knit together in love. Our lives are built on that love, peace, and happiness. Our children are blessed because of that love. We must be doing something right!! Happy Father's Day To My Husband...My Love!